To understand the benefits of Massage therapy we have to first understand what percussion massage therapy is.
Exactly like a normal massage the Klevagym massage therapy gun usage under online fitness coach, reduces inflammation by flushing the venous blood (blood where oxygen has been used up) out of the muscle and back into the circulatory system. This action improves blood flow, relaxes tightened muscles and reduces muscle soreness and tension.
Anyone can use a massage gun irrelevant of age or physical fitness, the key factor is to use it so it assists you without causing any additional issues.
Some Key Benefits include:
Increasing sports performance by increasing the blood flow to muscles and helping to flush out the used blood and toxins out of the muscle.

Relieving tension by increasing the blood flow to muscles and also relaxing the muscles, which helps to shorten your recovery time between wok outs.
Breaking up scar tissue by improving the elasticity of damaged muscle fibres thereby alleviating pain and increasing movement within the muscle
Release Lactic Acid by using the Klevagym massage therapy gun. During intense exercise the body forms lactic acid which is used for energy when your oxygen levels are low. Massage guns can help release this lactic acid quickly into the surrounding area’s allowing your body to resupply oxygen to your muscle quicker. This will prevent soreness in muscles after prolonged exercising.

Become more flexible by using the Klevagym massage therapy gun. Massage guns work on muscles, joints, ligaments and connective tissues which all work together in your body to help with mobility. By consistently using the massage gun you will keep these different parts of your body become more flexible and enhance your athletic ability.
Save money and time by using a massage therapy gun instead of having traditional massages done. Traditional massages can become quite expensive to have done a regular basis. With the massage gun you can do the treatments yourself. The unique design of the Klevagym massage therapy gun means you can do 95% of the body yourself, so after two or three uses your massage gun is already paid for.

Related: Muscle Massage Gun